Our Story

I’m Brooke, the company’s founder and I welcome you to The BE at Ease Company. 

My story, comes from love and protection

  • I’m a Sydney based Mum of two beautiful children
  • Loving little people came with worrying for my children’s safety
  • Wanting reasssurance when I couldn’t be there, lead me to create this range of emergency and medical safety ID tags and products

What did I want to achieve?

  • A simple system which keeps children’s vital information an easy QR scan away on any smart phone camera
  • Complete peace of mind for parents like myself, knowing that if care is needed, the person providing the care has children’s accurate and current information at their fingertips
  • A quick and easy way to return lost children to their parents, to clearly display conditions and allergies and to access in depth medical information whilst preventing lost property
  •  A system where the information is not only accessible, but also secure and 100% compliant with Australian privacy laws

Take a moment to browse our range and please reach out with any questions, I’m always willing and ready to help.

- Brooke

$1 per timber product purchased will be donated to first responder services throughout Australia