How We Began
It was 2018.
Our family was complete and with a toddler and a newborn, day out were a challenge, two of everything and reliably late.
Loving little humans comes with worrying for their safety. If my daughter ran off and found herself lost, if we were in a car accident, want would happen?
It started on a slip of paper attached to the car seat. Hubby’s phone number, a note that my daughter was wary of strangers and that neither of the kids had allergies. It was hubby who saw the potential, realising the peace of mind this could bring all parents, in fear of these life moments. The emergencies it could prefer or the quick resolutions when they occur.
Knowing each child’s needs are individual, I decided the easiest way to access this information was via QR. It also allowed a balance of beautiful illustrations a child would want on their belongings whilst making accessing vital information clear and simple.
For a parent, knowing that their phone number is on hand if their child is lost, that their conditions and allergies are clearly displayed as a reminder when they are in the care of others and that their medications, history and any special notes are on hand, provides so much peace of mind.
Balancing parenthood with creating a concept and a business has been a long journey but the knowledge that this product provides so much reassurance and can prevent an emergency or potentially save a life, is so humbling.
Launched September 2024, I welcome you to The BE at Ease Company